EKG Technician Online Review/Prep Login
The online review or prep course is designed for individuals that:
PAST EDUCATION: may have either received or completed formal training in the past and now would like to brush up or refresh their knowledge on the theoretical aspect of the course, or
CERTIFICATION EXAM: may be preparing to attempt a certification exam in the same field, or
CEUs: may be required to complete the review course as a part of their CEUs (continuing education units) from their job or as a part of their certification renewal or reinstatement process by a certification board, agency or body, or
EMPLOYER RECOMMENDED OR REQUIREMENT: may be recommended or required by an employment facility to complete the theoretical portion of the program so that the individual can have enough theoritical knowledge in the field.
Module 1: Section 1 Cardiac Anatomy & Physiology
Module 1: Section 2 Cardiac Anatomy & Physiology
Module 2: Infection Control & Standard Precautions
Module 3: Section 1 Communication
Module 3: Section 2 Legal Issues in Healthcare
Module 4: EKG History
Midterm Exam (Module 1 to Module 4)
Module 5: Electrocardiography Introduction
Module 5: Understanding EKG Graphs Part 1
Module 5: Understanding EKG Graphs Part 2
Module 6: Interpretation of EKG Part 1
Module 6: Interpretation of EKG Part 2
Module 7: EKG Application Theory
Module 8: EKG Application Procedure
Final Exam (Module 1 to Module 8)
12 Lead EKG
15 Lead EKG - Adult
15 Lead EKG - Pediatric
3 Lead EKG
5 Lead EKG
7 Lead EKG
Stress testing
12 Lead EKG Dextrocardiac
Module 1: Section 1 Cardiac Anatomy & Physiology
In this module, the user will go over the following topics such as: anatomy and location of the human heart, boundaries of the human heart, circulation of the heart, divisions of circulation, layers of the heart, conditions affecting the layers of the heart, septa's of the heart, functions of the septa's, septal defects in the human heart, heart valve structure and function, heart sounds, diseases related to heart valves.
Module 1: Section 2 Cardiac Anatomy & Physiology
In this module, the user will go over the following topics such as: coronary circulation of the heart, coronary heart disease, cardiac muscle structure and function, cardiac cycle, heart rate and factors affecting them, stroke volume, cardiac output, target heart rate and its significance, conduction system of the human heart (pacemakers), cardiac muscle properties, action of cardiac muscles, nervous system and its function on cardiac activities.
Module 2: Infection Control & Standard Precautions
In this module, the user will go over the following topics such as: infection control, standard precautions, OSHA, modes of transmission, chain of infection, personal protective equipment, respiratory hygiene, airborne precautions, contact precautions, droplet precautions, hand hygiene, blood-borne pathogens and more.
Module 3: Section 1 Communication
In this module, the content includes introduction to communication and its elements.
Module 3: Section 2 Legal Issues in Healthcare
In this module, the content includes legal issues in healthcare such as negligence, malpractice, and other related topics.
Module 4: EKG History
In this module the content includes information on the timeline of the invention of the EKG Machine and its history.
Midterm Exam
The midterm exam covers module 1 to module 3
Module 5: Section 1 Electrocardiography Introduction
In this module, the content includes electrocardiograph, electrocardiogram, EKG technician, EKG profession work needs, types of EKG's, complication of EKG, uses of EKG.
Module 5: Section 2 Understanding EKG Graphs Part 1
In this module, the content includes understanding the basics of EKGs such as EKG Leads (bipolar and unipolar), einthoven triangle, composition of leads, unipolar lead placement on chest, unipolar lead placement on chest (dextrocardiac), understanding the basic anatomy of the human ribs and how they are classified, 12 Lead EKG, Lead and is specific views of the heart, understanding the amplitude and duration on the EKG Graph paper, understand the specification of the graph paper such as small box and large boxes, understanding the waves (P,Q,R,S,T), complex (QRS), segments (PR & ST), intervals (PR & QT) of the EKG graph.
Module 5: Section 3 Understanding EKG Graphs Part 2
In this module, the content includes analyzing a rhythm strip (caliper method, paper method, box counting), calculating heart rate, analyzing p wave, analyzing PR interval, analyzing QT interval, analyzing QRS complex, analyzing ST segment etc.
Module 6: Section 1 Interpretation of EKG Part 1
In this module, the content includes interpretation of EKGs of
Rhythms originating from sinus node such as normal sinus rhythm, sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, sinus arrest, sino atrial block, sinus arrhythmia.
Rhythms originating from atria such as premature atrial contraction, wandering atrial pacemaker, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, multifocal atrial tachycardia.
Rhythms originating from atrial-junction node such as premature junction contraction, junctional rhythm, junctional escape beat, accelerated junctional rhythm, junctional tachycardia.
Rhythms originating from the ventricles such as idioventricular rhythm, accelerated idioventricular rhythm, ventricular fibrillation, premature ventricular contraction, ventricular escape beat, torsades de pointes, asystole, ventricular tachycardia.
Heart blocks such as 1st, 2nd & 3rd degree blocks.
Module 6: Section 2 Interpretation of EKG Part 2
In this module, the content includes axis deviation (right axis deviation, left axis deviation, extreme axis deviation, normal), axis hypertrophy (right & left atrial hypertrophy) (right & left ventricular hypertrophy) , stemi location (lateral, inferior, anterior, septal, antero-lateral inferior-lateral), recognizing pacemakers on EKGs (single chamber vs dual chamber).
Module 7: EKG Application Theory
In this module, the content includes indications and contraindications of EKG, surface anatomy of limb and thorax for electrode placement, types of electrodes, placement of limb and chest electrodes, EKG equipment settings such as sensitivity, paper speed, filter, calibration & gain, various types of EKG artifacts and EKG unit maintenance.
Module 8: EKG Application Procedure
In this module, the content includes various types of EKGs such as 12 Lead EKG Adult, 15 Lead EKG Adult, 15 Lead EKG Pediatric, 3, 5 & 7 Lead, & Stress Testing.
Final Exam
The midterm exam covers module 1 to module 8
The online review or prep course content is designed in a way that requires the learner to learn and proceed. What this means is the learner is rewarded when they pass each module, the reward is in the form of the next module being unlocked, this is what we call a gamification mode learning style. Where you attend, read, learn and pass the module at hand to unlock the next module, this forces the learning ability of the learner to focus more on the content and be attentive throughout the course of study. The online review or prep course design consists of professional audio narrations, multiple quizzes, midterm exam, final exam, illustrations, and video as required. Our contents are more focused on the learner, as the main aim is to make the users learn the content being presented to them. The language used in the online review contents are simple to read and easy to follow. Each online review course login consists of an orientation to guide the users on how to procced once they start with their course of study. There is no downloading or uploading of contents or assignments required on the system, everything is designed within the system, so students can stay focused on the content.
Module Based Review or Prep Course
Grading System Auto Set
Quizzes with Each Module
Orientation with Review or Prep Course Map
Audio Narrations
Tutorial Videos
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Competency Checklist
Marker Tool to Write
Market Tool to Highlight
Play and Stop Button to Stop and Read
Volume Control to Manage the Volume of Audio Narrations
Step 1: Individual Buys the Review Content Login from Opret Education.
Step 2: Opret Education emails Access Code of the Review Course to the Individuals.
Step 3: Individuals Access the Review Login and Complete the Coursework.
Opret Education is only the content provided and does not award a certificate to users on completing the online component. Individuals purchasing the review online course are purchasing this for review purposes to either refresh their knowledge that they may have attained via formal training in the past or may be preparing themselves for attempting a certification exam. This course must not be purchased by individuals that have no background in the field of the review course login they intend to purchase.
So if you are ready to take a step forward and attend an online review or prep course, you can make your purchase of the login by clicking on the "Buy User Login Now"
The cost is only for the login. The login comes with an alloted duration in which the individual is required to complete the coursework. If not, you can buy extensions to the login.