Clinical Medical Assistant Textbook:
Theory and Practical Fundamentals
ISBN: 978-1-944471-86-6
Interior & Cover : Color & Softcover
Edition: Series I (Hard Copy)
Published: 2016-2017
Pages: 600 plus pages
Size: 11 x 8.5
Population: Trade School, Colleges, High Schools, Training Centers, etc.
Subject: Allied Healthcare
The Clinical Medical Assistant textbook consist of contents such as introduction to patient care, infection control and legal issues in healthcare, Introduction to human anatomy and medical terminology, physical assessment and examination, patient mobility and range of motion, therapeutic exercise and patient positioning, assistive devices and gait, orthotics and prosthetics, patient transfer techniques and wheelchair management, wound care and various special topics such as draping techniques, ostomy care, nutrition and meal etc. This book also features 3 practice exams; each practice exam has 100 questions. The student will have 300 questions to solve at the end of the book, plus there is an end of chapter review questions as well, which can be completed by the student after every chapter.
The book has been written and structured to simplify the process of learning concepts in Phlebotomy. In our career of teaching Phlebotomy, numerous students have shown a lack of understanding when it comes to the concept of Phlebotomy, Our aim is to make the process of learning easy for students. The book covers most of the essential topics required to understand the concepts of Phlebotomy, It is concise and to the point. As per our experience we believe that "Learning process can only be easy when the contents for learning are laid out in a simplified manner." Thus we have separated the contents of the book as follows: Introduction to Phlebotomy, Phlebotomy Anatomy & Physiology, Phlebotomy Theory, Phlebotomy Clinical (Trouble Shooting Phlebotomy Case Scenarios), Phlebotomy Competency. Congratulations on choosing a healthcare career. The instructor resources of this book has numerous questions and answers for instructors and students. The questions and answers within the instructor resources can be either used as in class assignments or take home assignments. The multimedia presentations within the instructor resources of the phlebotomy technician may assists the instructor or tutors teach the class. A midterm and final exam is also available within the instructor resources
The book has been written and structured to simplify the process of learning concepts in EKG. In our career of teaching EKG, numerous students have shown a lack of understanding when it comes to the concept of EKG, our aim is to make the process of learning easy for students. The book covers most of the essential topics required to understand the concepts of EKG, it is concise and to the point. As per our experience we believe that "Learning process can only be easy when the contents for learning are laid out in a simplified manner." Thus we have separated the contents of the book as follows: EKG Anatomy & Physiology, EKG Theory, EKG Clinical (Trouble Shooting EKG Case Scenarios), and EKG Competency The book contains different case scenarios and various types of EKG's 12 Lead EKG 15 Lead EKG Adult 15 Lead EKG Pediatrics 5 Lead EKG 3 Lead EKG Stress Testing Telemetry Holter Monitoring Easy to understand graph interpretations in tabular format. Table for easy understanding of different types of interpretation.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Patient Care
Chapter 2: Infection Control & Standard Precautions
Chapter 3: Legal Issues in Healthcare
Chapter 4: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 5: Medical Terminologies
Chapter 6: Physical Assessment & Examination
Chapter 7: Patient Positioning & Bed Mobility Techniques
Chapter 8: Range of Motion
Chapter 9: Therapeutic Exercises
Chapter 10: Gait
Chapter 11: Assistive Devices
Chapter 12: Orthosis and Prosthesis
Chapter 13: Transfer Techniques
Chapter 14: Wound Care & Pressure Sores
Chapter 15: Wheelchair Management
Chapter 16: Patient Care Skills (30 Plus Skills Checklist)
Special Topic 1: Confusion and dementia
Special Topic 2: Nutrition and meal
Special Topic 3: Measurement of intake and output
Special Topic 4: Ostomy and its care
Special Topic 5: Draping techniques
Special Topic 6: Aphasia and types
Special Topic 7: CPR, AED and abdominal thrust
Special Topic 8: Admission discharge and transfer
Special Topic 9: Activities of daily living
Special Topic 10: Levels of need
Special Topic 11: Death and dying
Special Topic 12: Restraints and incident reports
Special Topic 13: Urine specimen collection
Special Topic 14: Stool and sputum specimen collection
Special Topic 15: Communication
Chapter 1: Section 1 Intro to Phlebotomy & Infection Control
Chapter 1: Section 2 Legal Issues in Healthcare
Chapter 2: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 3: Medical Terminology
Chapter 4: Phlebotomy Equipment & Supplies
Chapter 5: Phlebotomy Clinical Skills
Chapter 6: Phlebotomy Fundamental Essentials
Venipuncture Using Butterfly Needle Method
Venipuncture Using Multisample Safety Needle Method
Venipuncture Using Syringe Method
Dermal Puncture for Glucose Testing
Dermal Puncture for Capillary Blood Collection
Dermal Puncture for Bleeding Time Test
Dermal Puncture for Blood Smear Preparation
Urinalysis Procedure & Fecal Sample Procedure
and more.....
Chapter 1: Cardiac Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 2: Medical Terminology
Chapter 3: Infection Control
Chapter 4: Legal Issues in Healthcare
Chapter 5: EKG Introduction
Chapter 6: EKG Interpretation
Chapter 7: EKG Application Theory
Chapter 8: EKG Application Procedure
Appendix A: EKG Application Picture Library
The procedure section of the textbook consists of
3 Lead EKG Placement,
5 Lead EKG Placement,
7 Lead EKG Placement,
15 Lead EKG Placement for Adult,
15 Lead EKG Placement for Pediatric,
12 Lead EKG Placement,
Dextrocardiac 12 Lead Placement,
12 Lead EKG Placement for EKG Stress Testing.
1. Normal Sinus Rhythm 2. Sinus Bradycardia 3. Sinus Tachycardia 4. Sinus Arrhythmia 5. Sino-Atrial Block 6. Sinus Pause/Sinus Arrest
1. Premature Atrial Contraction 2. Wandering Atrial Pacemaker 3. Atrial Flutter 4. Atrial Fibrillation 5. Supraventricular Tachycardia 6. Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
1. Premature Junction Contraction 2. Junctional Rhythm 3. Junctional Escape Beat 4. Accelerated Junctional Rhythm 5. Junctional Tachycardia
1. Idio-ventricular Rhythm 2. Accelerated Idio-ventricular rhythm 3. Ventricular Fibrillation 4. Premature Ventricular Contraction 5.
Ventricular Escape Beat 6. Torsades de Pointes 7. Asystole 8. Ventricular Tachycardia
1. First Degree Block 2. Second Degree Type 1 Block 3. Second Degree Type 2 Block 4. Third Degree Block 5. Bundle Branch Block
1. Right Axis Deviation 2. Left Axis Deviation 3. Extreme Axis Deviation
1. Right & Left Atrial Hypertrophy 2. Right & Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
1. Lateral Wall (STEMI) 2. Inferior Wall (STEMI) 3. Anterior Wall (STEMI) 4. Septal Wall (STEMI) 5. Antero-Lateral (STEMI) 6. Inferior-Lateral (STEMI)
1. Single Chamber: Atrial 2. Single Chamber: Ventricular 3. Dual Chamber: Atrial & Ventricular
Increasing demand of technicians in medical field and lack of all in one compiled educational resource led to the evolution of the Clinical medical assistant textbook. This book has been created after an extensive search of MA profession and keeping in mind the new trends and procedures required for the on-job tasks. The authors have tried to keep the book concise and to the point. The knowledge in this Edition has been provided for individuals planning to pursue a Medical Assistant profession at a postsecondary or college level. The language used in the book is simplistic and somewhat easy to comprehend for individuals to understand the concepts of Medical Assistant. Phlebotomy and EKG. Various institutions like high schools, post secondary education, community colleges have started using the “Clinical Medical Assistant Textbook: Theory and Practical Fundamentals” since it has the necessary information required to administer a Clinical Medical Assistant Program. The authors have separated the book into 3 sections Section 1: Clinical Medical Section 2: Phlebotomy Section 3: Electrocardiography (EKG). This would make it easier for school to offer this program in 3 separate sections, without having to override one content with another. Finally, the authors would like to thank everyone who has contributed in making this project possible and we look forward to your feedbacks on our Clinical Medical Assistant Bundle Set Textbook.
Table of Content
WorkBook Test
Multimedia Presentation
Midterm / Final Exams
Test Bank and Quiz
Easy and Simple to Read Content
30 Plus Competency Skills
Legal Issues in Healthcare -
Medical Terminology in Alphabetic Order
Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology With Color Illustrations
End of Chapter Review Questions -
Dedicate Infection Control Chapter with Illustrations/Pictures
New Table with Muscles and Their Actions
Vital Signs Assessment Procedure: Stepwise Illustrations/Pictures
Illustration of Various Body Positions
Range of Motion Stepwise Illustrations/Pictures
(Upper, Lower Limbs & Neck)
Exercises Stepwise Illustrations/Pictures
Gait Phases and Components Illustrations/Pictures
Illustration for Gait Walking with Assistive Devices
Pictures of Various Assistive Devices
Illustrations of Orthosis and Prosthesis
Pictures of Patient Care Transfer (10 Types of Transfers)
Stepwise Picture of Transfer Techniques
Illustration of 4 Types of Pressure Ulcers
Wheelchair Parts with Illustration
Special Topics -
Wheelchair Illustrations Going Up & Down the Curb
End of Book: 3 Sets of Questions with Answer Key for 300 Questions
Pictures of Competency Skills of Procedures
End of Chapter Review Questions
Anatomy & Physiology for Phlebotomy Technicians
Equipment Pictures for Phlebotomy with Labeled Names
Order of Draw theory for venipuncture and dermal puncture
Common lab test information
Blood Donation updates
Legal issues in healthcare
Sample requisition form for phlebotomy
Blood Test Panels
Urinalysis and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Blood Culture and Blood Collection for Legal Purposes
Venipuncture Complications and other related theory
Infection control standards for phlebotomy technicians
Personal Protective Equipment required for phlebotomy technicians
Can be used to prepare for Phlebotomy Certification Exam
Infection Control and Historical Timeline of EKG
legal Issues in Healthcare & Communication in Healthcare
Cardiac Anatomy & Physiology for EKG Technicians
EKG Graph Components Explanation (Waves, Complexes and Segment and Intervals.)
Simplified Illustrations of Individual 47 EKG Graphs
Competency Checklist for various types of EKGs
Cardiovascular Glossary
EKG Application Theory & Procedures.
Troubleshooting EKG application Problems Encountered.
Practice Exams at the end of the book.
Application Pictures of Various Types of EKGs, 12, 15, 3, 5 7 Lead, Stress Testing, Holters Monitoring.
Many more unique features in this edition.
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